College Football and values.
Soap Box time. I've been flabbergasted at recent events. The extent to which our (as a collective) emotions get riled up for sports, specifically this time college football and who plays, coaches, wins and loses is just too much, I've seen riots for world soccer matches, fist fights at junior sports events and its all ridiculous. What is the reason? These are games, pastimes that aren't arenas for martial prowess or political superiority. And to have such a violent reaction to the disciplinary action that a school has taken and not the reason for the action gives me even more pause. I was raised in the south, an SEC girl, who's family never set foot on the campus of UF except to go to a game; but the loyalty for which they displayed to that school is indicative of what I am talking about. Friday night football was all encompassing- marching band was the 2nd most funded activity at my high school because it was attached to football.
Growing up, moving out and moving on I found I am more a fan of small group or singular sports, but I still find the idolization of those athletes. They are people, falible and imperfect.
Now its coming to light that the NFL has been withholding information regarding the full extent of injuries from repeated head hits. Now part of me says, "well yeah- duh". then I remember that quite a few of these guys barely made it out of college to purse pro sports and they are trusting the team doctors. I think they are starting to realize that the money is more important than the players after all.
The greed and dishonesty isn't just in football; that is just the sport on my mind right now. That is all.
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