My Suitors, Pets, and Devoted Slaves

Instructions, free assignments and praise can be found here. 

An assignment for my busy worker bees.

I have opened up an ebanned site store and I need one of you drones to make it nice, pretty, and sexy- like me.
So- fill this in and send it to me via

If I like it; I'll give you a gold star or something.

Me pages are ABOUT you not FOR you. Please note the items you can NOT have on your Me Page: 
Links/text that directly offer items not currently listed on Ebanned
(including links to personal or business websites) 
No Soliciting - Of Any Kind 
Links/text to other online trading websites or pages that facilitate a transaction outside of Ebanned
(this includes any blog, twitter, facebook, myspace, donations, tributes, wishlists or shopping carts) 
Promoting sales outside of Ebanned 
Links/text to websites that offer items prohibited for sale at Ebanned.
Pages found in violation of any of the above will be removed without warning or notice.
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